Think for yourself
FmI've got a B7word or Gtwo to say aG#bout the things that D#you do Fmyou're telling B7all those Glies about the G#good things that we D#can have if we Fmclose our eyes. G#7Do what you want to do and D#go where you're going to Hthink for yourself cause B7I won't be there with G#yoD#u. I left you far behind the ruins of the life that you had in mind and though you still can't see I know your mind's made up you're gonna cause more misery. Do what you want to do ... Although your mind's opaque try thinking more if just for your own sake the future still looks good and you've got time to rectify all the things that you should. Do what you want to do ... Do what you want to do and go where you're going to think for yourself cause I won't be there with you think for yourself cause I won't be there with you. |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:09.438+00:00
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